Dr. Mubarak Shah, the UCF Trustee Chair Professor, is the founding director of Center for Research in Computer Visions at University of Central Florida (UCF). Dr. Shah is a fellow of IEEE, IAPR, AAAS and SPIE. He is a co-author of six books (Motion-Based Recognition (1997); Video Registration (2003); Automated Multi-Camera Surveillance: Algorithms and Practice (2008); Modeling, Simulation and Visual Analysis of Crowds (2013); and Robust Subspace Estimation Using Low-Rank Optimization (2014); Large-Scale Visual Geo-Localization (2016), all by Springer). He has published extensively on topics related to visual surveillance, tracking, human activity and action recognition, object detection and categorization, shape from shading, geo registration, visual crowd analysis, etc. He has been ACM and IEEE Distinguished Visitor Program speaker and is often invited to present seminars, tutorials and invited talks all over the world. He received Pegasus award in 2006; the Harris Corporation Engineering Achievement Award in 1999; IEEE Outstanding Engineering Educator Award in 1997; an honorable mention for the ICCV 2005 Where Am I? Challenge Problem; NGA Best Research Poster Presentation in 2013, 2nd place in Grand Challenge at the ACM Multimedia in 2013 conference; and runner up for the best paper award in ACM Multimedia Conference in 2005 and 2010.

Sara Sabour is a research scientist at Google Brain. Before joining Google, Sara graduated with M.Sc. from University of Toronto, under the supervision of Prof. David Fleet. She has published seminal papers on Capsule Networks joint with Geoffrey Hinton. Her research focuses on generalization beyond training data distribution.

Yogesh S Rawat is a Postdoctoral Associate in the Center for Research in Computer Vision at University of Central Florida. He received his PhD in the Computer Science Department at School of Computing, National University of Singapore in 2017 and BTech degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, BHU, in 2009. His current research interests lie in the intersection of Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and Multimedia Computing. He received Research Achievement Award for his outstanding research performance at NUS in 2016. He was finalist at ACM Multimedia Grand Challenge in 2014 and 2016. He leads a team at UCF which was runners-up in ActEV Challenge for Activity Detection and second runners-up in ActEV Challenge for Activity Object Detection (DIVA) in TRECVID 2018.

Kevin Duarte is a PhD student at the University of Central Florida working with Mubarak Shah. He received his bachelors in Mathematics and Computer Science at UCF in 2017. His research interests involve solving computer vision problems using deep learning. His current work involves applying capsule networks for video segmentation and classification tasks.

Rodney Lalonde is a Ph.D. student in the Center for Research in Computer Vision at the University of Central Florida, working under Dr. Ulas Bagci. His current research interests include capsule networks for medical image segmentation, detection, and diagnosis in an effort to bring AI into the fight against cancer, where he published an award winning work, Capsules for Object Segmentation. Rodney graduated from St. Olaf college, triple majoring in Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science while graduating with distinction and being recognized with an Award for Research Excellence. He previously served as an intern at Lockheed Martin where he made significant contributions to their research efforts and published work in object detection in aerial video. Rodney currently serves as a machine learning intern at Aptiv where he is investigating capsules networks for autonomous driving applications.

Tolga Birdal is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Geometric Computing group of Prof. Leonidas Guibas. He has recently defended his PhD thesis at the Computer Vision Group, Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures, Technical University of Munich and was a Doktorand at Siemens AG. He completed his Bachelors as an Electronics Engineer at the Sabanci University in 2008. In his subsequent postgraduate programme, he studied Computational Science and Engineering at Technical University of Munich. In continuation to his Master's thesis on “3D Deformable Surface Recovery Using RGBD Cameras”, he focused his research and development on large object detection, pose estimation and reconstruction using point clouds. Tolga is awarded both Ernst von Siemens Scholarship and EMVA Young Professional Award 2016 for his PhD work. He has several publications at the well respected venues such as NeurIPS, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IROS, ICASSP and 3DV. Aside from his academic life, Tolga is a natural Entrepreneur. He has co-founded multiple companies including Befunky, a widely used web based image processing platform. For further information, visit tbirdal.me and http://campar.in.tum.de/Main/TolgaBirdal.

Marzieh Edraki is a Phd student working with Dr. Nazanin Rahnavard at the University of Central Florida since 2018. Before that, she was a member of MAPLE lab in the Computer Science Department in the University of Central Florida. Her research interests include analysis of generative models, specifically GAN framework, adversarial attacks and capsule networks. Her current work focus on exploiting the capsule network idea in generative models.