The webpage of the workshop competition benchmark dataset: UCF101 .
UCF101 videos: [Download]
STIP, DFT, and SIFT features of videos:
[STIP_Features_part1 | STIP_Features_part2 | STIP_BoVW_Hists&Codebook]
[DTF_BoVW_Hists&Codebook | SIFT_Raw_Features | SIFT_BoVW_Hists&Codebook]
Bounding box annotations of humans (24 classes): [Download] (Updated 3 September 2015)
Class-level attributes: [Download]
The predefined splits for training-testing (recognition task): [Download]
The predefined splits for training-testing (detection task): [Download]
Sample submission files (recognition task): [Download]
Sample submission files (detection task): [Download]
If you made use of the data and resources shared for the competition, e.g. extracted low-level features or the attribute lexicon,
please use the following reference:
author = "Jiang, Y.-G. and Liu, J. and Roshan Zamir, A. and Laptev,
I. and Piccardi, M. and Shah, M. and Sukthankar, R.",
title = "{THUMOS} Challenge: Action Recognition with a Large
Number of Classes",
howpublished = "\url{/ICCV13-Action-Workshop/}",
Year = {2013}}
Participants are encouraged to read the Evaluation Setup for details of the competition.
[ Downloads | Submission | Call for Papers | Competition Evaluation ]
Workshop Organization
General Chairs:
Ivan Laptev, INRIA
Massimo Piccardi, Univ. of Tech., Sydney
Mubarak Shah, UCF
Rahul Sukthankar, Google Research
Yu-Gang Jiang, Fudan University
Jingen Liu, SRI International
Amir Roshan Zamir, UCF
All names ordered alphabetically.
keynote speakers
Jason J. Corso, SUNY at Buffalo, USA
Tal Hassner, Open University, ISrael
Silvio Savarese, Stanford, USA
Cordelia Schmid, INRIA, France
Stan Sclaroff, Boston University, USA
Jianxin Wu, NJU, China
program committee
Saad Ali, SRI International, USA
Marco Bertini, University of Florence, Italy
Cigdem Beyan, University of Edinburgh, UK
Francois Bremond, INRIA, France
Liangliang Cao, IBM T. J. Watson, USA
Jason J. Corso, SUNY at Buffalo, USA
Riad Hammoud, BAE Systems, USA
nazli ikizler-cinbis, Hacettepe Univ., Turkey
Quoc V. Le, Stanford University, USA
Zicheng Liu, MSR, USA
Jiebo Luo, University of Rochester, USA
Greg Mori, SFU, Canada
Ronald Poppe, Univ. of Twente, Netherlands
Michalis Raptis, UCLA, USA
Michael S. Ryoo, NASA JPL, USA
Shin'ichi Satoh, NII, Japan
Silvio Savarese, Stanford, USA
Stan Sclaroff, Boston University, USA
Cees Snoek,Univ. of Amsterdam,Netherlands
Sinisa Todorovic, Oregon State Univ., USA
Yang Wang, University of Manitoba, Canada
Jianxin Wu, NJU, China
Lexing Xie, ANU, Australia
Shuicheng Yan, NUS, Singapore
Alper Yilmaz, OSU, USA
Junsong Yuan, NTU, Singapore
Lihi Zelnik-Manor, Technion, Israel
Data Collection
Khurram Soomro, UCF
ICCV International Workshop on Action Recognition with a Large Number of Classes, Sydney, Australia, 2013