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REAP is a summer STEM program that places talented high school students, from groups historically underserved in STEM, in research apprenticeships at area colleges and universities. REAP apprentices work under the direct supervision of a mentor on a hands-on research project. REAP apprentices are exposed to the real world of research, gain valuable mentorship, and learn about education and career opportunities in STEM. REAP apprenticeships are five to eight weeks in length (minimum of 200 hours) and apprentices receive a stipend.

Participants Get To

  • receive a stipend for minimum of 200 hours
  • work personally with a scientist or engineer doing real life research
  • have the opportunity to do research at a university or college – an environment not available in local high schools
  • gain self confidence in your STEM knowledge and abilities
  • exposure to STEM careers
  • have opportunity to present your research to your peers

Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident. High school students must meet 2 of the following requirements:

  • Rural, frontier or other targeted outreach schools
  • Student is female in certain STEM fields, e.g., physical science, computer science, mathematics or engineering)
  • Student is a minority historically underrepresented in STEM (Alaskan Native, Native American, Black or African American, Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander)
  • Student qualifies for free or reduced lunch
  • English as a Second Language student
  • Student is first-generation college student

More Information
This program is for commuting students only. Students are required to travel to and from the program site daily. In addition, the program does not supply an allowance for housing, meals, or travel reimbursement.

If you are interested in this program email us or call 585-475-2566.