Research Experience for Undergraduates The National Science Foundation (NSF) has designated the Center for Research in Computer Vision at the University of Central Florida (UCF) as a site for Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in the area of Computer Vision for 2018-2020. The purpose of the REU is to encourage undergraduate students to pursue graduate school and research careers. UCF has continued to be an REU site in Computer Vision since the inception of REU by NSF in 1987. During the last quarter century more than 300 undergraduate students from more than 75 different schools all over the U.S. have participated in this program. These undergraduates have co-authored 80 research papers (in reputed journals ike PAMI, PR, CVGIP, and conferences like ICCV, CVPR, ICPR). Approximately half of these participants have gone to graduate schools, fifteen students have written Honors in the Major Theses, several participants are now faculty members at different Universities, and several participants have started their own companies. See REU 2019 and past REU pages for more details. Research Experience for Teachers RET is a NSF funded program for High school teachers to promote and expose them to cutting edge research in STEM fields. Do you teach or know somebody who does teach one of the following High School classes? AP Calculus * AP Computer Science * AP Statistics * AP Physics * AP Biology * IB Biology * IB Calculus and Descriptive Statistics * IB Advanced Calculus * IB Statistics and Probability * IB Physics 2 If so? Then you should attend this dissemination workshop! All teacher attendees will receive a $150 stipend. The teachers enrolled in the program will be involved in cutting edge research projects under mentorship and complete assistance. They will receive assistance in preparing and delivering the lecture content for their classes that incorporates skills and knowledge gained in the program. See RET 2018 and past RET pages for more details. STEM TRansfers’ Opportunities for Nurtured Growth The Center for Research in Computer Vision is pleased to offer scholarships in the range of $2,000 to $8,000 for first year transfer students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields, through a project funded by the National Science Foundation. These scholarships are renewable up to four years; they are intended for students that might not have the opportunity to attend university otherwise, and they are provided for students that have demonstrated need for financial aid. Scholarship recipients will be privileged to several resources and activities that are intended to ensure the student’s success in completing their undergraduate degrees. The Goals: To recruit and attract students into STEM fields, and cultivate proficiency in STEM fields. To provide opportunity and support for academically talented, financially needy transfer students. See Strong for more details.